Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter Vacation

It has been a wonderful 2 weeks off with my wonderful family. Elijah, unfortunately, has been sick going on 5 days now with a fever and cough. Poor little guy. He wasn't too devastated though, because he took his own little vacation to Vee and Grandpa's house for 3 days and nights. He wasn't too thrilled to be coming home!!

Gus has learned very well how to communicate without words. When he needs you, he comes over and whacks you in the face, arm, wherever he can reach. He proceeds to grunt and point in the direction he is needed. If, by chance, he cannot whack you, he will scream in the most obnoxious high pitched scream you have ever heard! The one word he is able to say is "ot" which is Hot. EVERYTHING is "ot." The other word he knows is "dada." He says this word any time you ask him to specifically say something. Say mama . . . "dada." Say grammy . . . "dada." Then he claps and is so proud of himself for saying EXACTLY what you asked of him. He is a cute little guy with precious locks. We will have to be careful about him turning into Goldie Locks, as that is unacceptable, but they are so cute!!

Elijah is constantly saying cute things. Just now, he pushed a button on the Alvin toy he got from McDonalds that says, "Hello Gorgeous." He says, "Hello Go Shock!" He once again, at Vee's, wanted to "get naked" (take off his shirt like Grandpa). Grandma Evelyn jokingly said she should do the same and Elijah said, "No, you can't because of those things on your belly!" To Tim, Elijah has told him, "Don't throw that mommy's milk away, we should save it for Gussy's sister who is in Mommy's tummy (wrong)." Daddy asked, "What's her name?" Elijah replied, "Kari, Kari, where are you?" Another time after Daddy had read the story of the 3 trees (the trees were used for the manger Jesus laid in, the boat when Jesus walked on water, and the cross where Jesus was crucified), Elijah asked Tim,"Daddy can you tell me a story about 5 trees now? When they cut one of them down, will it be made into a wooden puppy?" Elijah continues to amuse and is such a great big brother to Gus!! He loves his dinosaurs, animals, and play dough. Did I say loves, I meant obsessed!!

Tim and I are doing well. We are on constant alert for the transplant that will be coming. They have called twice and we have not gotten it. I have begun to feel like the boy that cries wolf, only we are just sharing the info that we are receiving. One of these days, I will share the info, and we will ACTUALLY get the transplant. We also have enjoyed playing our Wii, playing games, and hanging out with our wonderful family!!