Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Joys of Little Ones

Elijah, Elijah. What can I say? A month ago he wasn't wanting to pray after witnessing his older cousin not wanting to pray. Over the past week, he has been willingly praying when it is time. Tonight, Tim came down and told me that Elijah wanted his puppies to pray, for Aunt Nicole and Uncle Aaron, and for Uncle Mike who will be coming in for the funeral on Monday. Another puppy prayed thanks for making Gus and Daddy better. The 3rd puppy prayed that Easter would come again soon (I think more for the Easter egg hunts, but we'll say it's because he is super excited that Jesus rose from the dead and is ALIVE). And then Tim prayed, kissed Elijah and said goodnight. Elijah then said, "Jesus, thank you that I not sick anymore, thank you that I not sick. Thank you for helping me not to be naughty. Help me not to be naughty and not to bite. Thank you that I not sick. Thank you for 1 people, thank you for 2 people, Amen."

And Amen to that!!

God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle

This past week has been filled with much heartache. On Friday, April 8, my step-dad, Jerry, fell from a 12 foot ladder, getting a concusion and breaking his collar bone, back, elbow, and wrist. He was released from the hospital on Monday and is still in major pain. We are grateful though that he is alive and that he is not paralyzed.

Beginning on Saturday and lasting through to Monday, little Gus had a 100.5 fever, couldn't breathe due to his clogged up nose, and just felt awful. He had to sleep on me during the night and was just pathetic to watch. We finally got antibiotics on Monday and found that he either had a sinus infection or strep throat. He finally started acting more like himself on Tuesday. Today, Thursday, he is on the road to recovery.

On Tuesday, Tim woke up feeling horrible, had a fever, ached, etc. He was smart, though, and called the doctor ASAP and also got an antibiotic and began feeling better Wednesday morning. He was able to go back to work today.

And on Tuesday, around 3:30 PM my sweet, yet feisty, Grandma Doris passed away. Elijah, Gus, and I went over to Mom's house that night to say goodbye. It was a tough evening, but I feel very fortunate that I was able to tell Grandma what a great Grandma she was, talk to her about the peace Jesus has for her if she trusts and believes in him, and reminisce about earlier years, just days earlier on Easter Sunday. I will miss my grandma tremendously! And though she sometimes spoke her mind with few filters in place, she has been a large part of my life since childhood. She taught my sister and I how to play and enjoy games, how to be a good sport whether we won or lost. She took care of us when we were sick and Mom had to work, she made us chocolate milk shakes EVERY time we spent the night, she fixed us Grandpa's eggs and soldiermen toast for breakfast, and she loved us so much. What a blessing from God to have such a wonderful lady in my life. Elijah, because Grandma just looked like she was sleeping, went in to her room and told her Bye and that he loved her. I pray, now, as I've prayed before, that she truly knew Jesus and that she is able to worship Him now.

And so this concludes our week. A week of many lows. But what a relief to know that God never gives us more than we can handle, even when it seems we can't bear another thing. God is good. He is there for us always and He is available for us to lean on, if we just seek Him and ask!!