Friday, June 12, 2009

Gus Gus

So our little Gus isn't so little anymore weighing in at the 90th percentile for height and weight at his 9 month check up a couple of weeks ago. He is a hefty little fellow who LOVES table food. He will grab for plates of food if you aren't feeding him what he wants. He loves all sorts of foods like watermelon, grapes, green beans, bread, pasta, carrots, etc. He attacks his food and eats with much enjoyment!!

Gus is also getting around quite quickly nowadays. Sometimes you will see him doing the army crawl, other times, a normal crawl, and still other times, a jack knife crawl (looks almost normal, but one leg remains out to push you along).

With his movement, comes getting into everything. He loves handles. He doesn't even get into the cabinets too much but loves holding onto the handle and pulling with all his might. He gets very irritated though when you tell him not to do that. He has even mastered a look that is very pathetic, that really almost makes us cave.

He is such a sweet heart and is working on sleeping better. I have had more full night rests in the past couple of weeks than I have in a few months, so that is a good sign.

So, there is Gus, wrapped up in a nutshell:)

Potty Training 101

As adults, we don't think much about using the bathroom. When we gotta go, we go, and don't expect anyone to congratulate us, ask how it went, or earn prizes (unless, of course, you've experienced an overseas trip, then that may be the exception to this). But as a young child, who has only experienced going like birds (whenever they choose and ON whoever they please), going to the bathroom is QUITE the experience.

As many of you know, Elijah will be turning 3 in just a few short weeks. Because of this (and my desire for him to begin going to Super Church), we have begun potty training. It seems easy enough, but it is still a little scary. All kids are different and you kind of worry about your kid being the ONE kid who doesn't get it and starting kindergarten, or middle school, or high school, OR college and still struggling to get it. Well, I have decided that this thinking is a pride issue for us parents and there is really not a whole lot to worry about.

So we started on Tuesday. I printed off 5 different sticker charts, we stocked up on marshmallows, pull-ups, big boy underwear, and cheap cars (a suggestion for helping with going #2). On Tuesday, Elijah did great. A few wet diapers, no stress, no big deal, remember to tell us BEFORE you go, etc. On Thursday, NO wet diapers (well except for the one where Elijah forgot to point himself DOWN and sprayed his pull-up WHILE sitting on the pot:)), and, after 6 rushed trips to the bathroom under the stressed out shout of, "I gotta poop," and the desire to have his Mack Truck (the longest delayed gratification he has ever had to withstand), Elijah finally made #2 in the pot. A big one at that (as he says). Now it's Friday and he again went poopoo in the toilet at Fazolies (it is disgusting to let your little one go the bathroom in a public restroom) and shouted it to Vee for the whole restaraunt to hear (one dad even told him, "Way to go Buddy!").

Potty training seems to be going well, though I am fearfully waiting for the relapse, when it's not exciting anymore and he decides diapers are his friend. I think I will wait a week before I switch to underwear, though I am itching to try it so that Elijah might get to go to Super Church THIS Sunday.

So, in all, this has been a good experience. I am glad, though, that we master this very tricky concept, and then move on as if it is the most natural part of life!!