Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't Forget Gus

Because Elijah is at such a great age, he seems to get all of the press, but we can't forget about our sweet little Gus.

So, Gus is starting to get a little personality of his own. I am beginning to fear for our future and his potential for strongheadedness:) At Toys R Us the other day, I let him get out of the cart and told him he had to stay on the aisle. Gus starts backing slowly up, little steps, looking at me with this devious grin. He backs all the way out of the aisle until he bumps into the next aisle, the whole while I am saying, "Guuus, stay in this aisle."

When Grandpa Kenny comes every morning, Grandpa asks, "Where's Elijah?" Gus immediately runs and points under the table where Elijah is hiding. One day, Elijah had spent the night with someone, Grandpa came, asked his question, and Gus ran over to point under the table and then looked at Grandpa and Daddy with a perplexed look, like, "Well, where IS Elijah?" Nowadays, if Elijah isn't here, Gus will run and hide under the table:)

Gus knows sign language for more and please. There are times when he wants something, and is emphatically saying MORE, and we just have no clue what in the world he wants. I guess maybe I should teach him some more words, huh?

Gus also enjoys babies. Today at Target he had a whole non-verbal conversation (okay maybe it was just a staring contest) with a little kid in a stroller before they had to say bye-bye to each other. It was pretty cute to watch their interactions with each other.

He's a pretty sweet little kid and is a great joy to be around. Gus is also starting to mimic sounds. Elijah has greeted Tim and Grandpa Jerry before with an excited, "Daddy," or "Grandpa," and Gus mimics Elijah. It sure sounds like he's saying something. The other sound he makes, is like a kitten sound. He will look at his books or sit in his carseat and make these little kitten sounds. The other fun thing he does is growl. Sometimes it makes sense with the situation and other times . . . well he just really likes to growl:)

And finally, our little Gus can blow kisses and is great at snuggling. We will take him to his 15 month check up next week where, hopefully, he will be ranked at the top of his class:)

Elijah Funnies for October/November

Affectionate names given: Fluffy, Plucky, mommy-kati, daddy-kati, and Gus is Fluffy-kati

Elijah talking on a pretend phone to himself:
1. Hello? 2. Hi, how are you?
1. I'm good, how are you? 2. Okay, bye, I love you.
1. Don't hang up on me, I'm still talking! Okay, bye, I love you.

PG-13 about to come, shield little eyes:
Elijah likes to point out Gussy's, Daddy's and his own nipples. Here's what follows: boys have little ones, girls have big, big long ones.
On a different day: pointing out Daddy's again: boys have little ones, girls have big, big, big ones . . . like their bottoms!

Elijah saying, while playing with his zebra, "The zebra just got a new kidney!! Now it can fly!!!" Side note: We hope this doesn't happen to Tim with his new kidney:)

Uncle Jeff asking Elijah what he saw at the zoo, Elijah replies, "YOU!!" and then starts cracking up.

Elijah and Gus having a "girl" fight: Gus hits Elijah's head, Elijah replies, "Gus, stop," and then proceeds to poke Gus. Gus hits, Elijah pokes, so on and so on. I sit there laughing and doing nothing. Good parenting skill.

Elijah waking up from his nap in hysterics because the playdoh wouldn't let him build something. Grammy and I tried to clarify that it was tough for him to do it by himself, and he hysterically cries, "NOOOO, the playdoh wouldn't let me build something." Praise God for a compassionate Grammy who coddled him, while Mommy tried not to laugh in his face.

In the middle of a movie at the theater with his cousins Mason and Belah, Elijah shouting out of pure joy to Mason, "Do you like the movie, Mason, do you like the movie?"

Elijah loves to have Tim tell him made up stories. One story Tim told was about a crocodile. Elijah named him Schnotsky the Crocodile. Another story was about a very clean pig, Elijah named Kartika, who ended up with the farmer's daughter. Tim suggested the farmer's daughter be named Sally, Elijah scrunched up his face and said, "I don't think it was Sally. I think it was Kiki-laki." Hmmmm, we fear for the names of our way in the future grandkids:)

Tim's Kidney Update

Are you kidding that it has been a month since I have blogged? So sorry:(

Well, we are nearer to transplant than ever. We had our first run through at the beginning of November. Terry, Tim's transplant coordinator, called to tell us that he had moved to #3 on the list and there were 2 healthy kidneys that might be available. This was quite shocking and definitely caught us off guard as Tim had just talked to Terry a week prior to that and he was #16 on the list. Terry said she would be in contact.

That night, we made our arrangements for who would be taking care of our kids in case we got the call and tried to prepare our hearts. It was/is quite a scary thing because there are so many unknowns.

We did end up getting a call the next morning at 9:00 telling Tim that he was off the hook. Tim asked what would have happened had he gotten it and Terry said that we would have gotten a call around 2:00 am and that he would have been having surgery right now. So we got our first run through which was good. We got all of the kinks worked out and now have a clearer understanding of what is still to come.

Please continue to pray for us as this is quite an event. It will be life changing for Tim, no longer having to hook up to a machine 9 hours every night, or doing an exchange every day, and maybe even not having to deal with high blood pressure any more. He will be on immunosuppressants though for the rest of his life and will be limited in how he plays with his boys. Pray for our boys as they won't understand why Daddy is gone, why he is in surgery, and why he can't play the way he used to. Pray for me, as I take care of everyone, that I would do it with love and patience and with the heart of Jesus.

It is truly a blessing from God, what he has given these doctors the ability to do and we are so grateful for this. Please keep in mind the family that will be donating. Pray they will be blessed in a supernatural way as they will have to lose a family member in order to "cure" Tim. Thanks for prayers. We will keep you updated.