Elijah has grown into quite the creative little fellow. He is all about cutting, painting, coloring, and creating. His current task is to create a forrest in our house. He suggested this for Grammy's house, but she suggested creating a diorama after envisioning her home:) At our house though, he has begun cutting out animals to place around the house. The computer room has been designated the mountain lion room and he mentioned that people would have to pay to see this, so I can't wait to see how it turns out. 2011 has started out a little rough with a week of fever and cold followed by a week of health followed by a week of flu and strep. Hopefully we are done with being sick for the rest of the year!!
Gus, as I type is under the massive floor rug! He is definitely a crazy kid! We love him so much!! He is our destroyer er . . . should I say, his dinosaurs are the destroyers. Any time a dino is in his hand, EVERYTHING ends up on the floor flung around somewhere. It would be very easy to get irritated, but that is just Gus and you have to embrace who he is! His language is coming along and it is fun to listen to his new words. One phrase that cracks me up every time he says it is, "I thought you were a female!" Seriously funny (comes from Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs--one of his favorite movies). Gussy also loves his movies. The instant he wakes up, "Movie?" He is a sweet fellow!
Lily girl is just a super duper baby. She is smiling now in response to us (not gas) and is so content. When she gets fussy, we just lay her on the floor and she stops. She is an independent gal just like her momma!! She laughs and giggles sometimes and it is just the sweetest thing. Her brother Elijah can't keep his hands off her and adores her! We look forward to seeing if we will see her rolling around on the floor wrestling with her brothers or prancing around in princess gear! It could go either way!!