Our boys are growing to be sooo big! It is a lot of fun with the stages they are in. They are both able to do a lot, which makes this house a happening place!!
Gus is messy. That is the first word that would come out of Tim's mouth if you asked him to describe Gus. I keep telling Tim that he's not even 2 yet, but seriously, he's messy. Everything he touches, eats, drinks, plays with . . . is messy. There's no getting around it!
Aside from his messiness, he absolutely LOVES his brother. He does EVERYTHING his brother does, even if it is hitting Mommy because that's what brother just did and got in trouble for! He has learned how to make the smacking sound people make when they kiss, so he will kiss Tim and I all the time, our hands, our arms, our legs, everywhere! He also ADORES being outside. He would stay out there all day if we would let him!!
We have dealt with the vomiting issue by putting a mattress in our room and laying down with Gus at bed time. It is not the perfect solution, but it sure has released some stress on my part. He sleeps through the night and it's not a hassel to get him to bed (and no vomit to clean up). I have decided, though, that he has something wrong with whatever keeps vomit down, as he just seems to do it so often (even not at bedtime or when crying). We'll have to get that checked out.
The funniest thing about Gus, is probably his run. If you see Tim, ask him to demonstrate. He is a flimsy runner who makes noise the entire time running. It is quite funny!!
Elijah continues to amaze us with his imagination. He LOVES playing with dinosaurs and dragons and animals and playdough. He likes for people to play with him, though he does great playing by himself, but we sometimes get tired of playing with him because we are always the dinosaur that gets eaten or the zebra that is attacked. He loves "killing" animals and hunting. Tim recently got him a Cabella's Hunting Wii game so they could go hunting and a Sim's Animal Wii game. Elijah loves shooting the various animals as well as feeding little animals to larger ones. We may have to keep an eye on this, huh?
Elijah has started reverting back to a 2 year old, thanks to Gus. He no longer wants to sleep by himself, he wants Daddy to sleep with him, he wants to sleep in our room, and he wants to scream (like Gus) in restaurants. He also says, "Up, mama," if he wants to be picked up (that's what Gus says b/c he can't talk). Funny, yet kind of frustrating. He has also started having bad dreams such as the other night: E: Mommy, I had a bad dream. M: Oh, I'm sorry, let me take you back into your room. What was your dream about. E (in a very angry voice): This one kid . . . he wouldn't let me play with playdough . . . and I was MAD (as he stomps his hands on his legs). I guess if this is as bad as bad dreams get, we are good to go!!
So that's our news. The boys are looking forward to a new baby that is due in October. Elijah keeps asking if it is still in my tummy. He is REALLY hoping for a girl because as he said (in kind of a nasty voice), "I already HAVE a brother." We'll see in a month or so if he's going to be disappointed or not!!