Great words from the eldest:
What the whale's name at Sea World is . . . Shampoo (Shamu)
What do you cover with a diaper? my bobbin (bottom)
What are you when you don't have shoes on? berryfoot (barefoot)
Who lives with Vee? Frampa Jerry
Randomly at Pizza Hut while laying on my lap he whispered, "I wish my mommy were nice."
When asked about how Grandpa hurt himself, the reply: Frampa Jerry fell off a ladder onto a porcupine. Frampa had holes in his back, but I cover them with bandaids and now all the holes are gone.
When asked, "How did you get that scratch on your belly?" The reply: I fell onto a statue. The statue had a sword and stabbed me, but I alright.
Randomly throughout any day: Oh! There's a monster! We must shoot him. (He proceeds to go find something to shoot the monster with).
When told Daddy was going to Salina for the week: Will he ever come back?
After Vee or Frampa or both tooted . . . you should poop in the potty . . . let me out, it stinks!
After being put to bed and told that I would work on putting his train track together, I heard footsteps and went to the bottom of the stairs to wait. Upon being asked why he was up: Um, I thought, um, that you want to, um, cover me up.
After being put back to bed, I hear footsteps and again go to the bottom of the stairs to wait. I ask why he's up in a more stern voice: Um, I thought you were going to bed. I thought you in bed, Mommy.
After being put to bed again, I hear footsteps and again go to the bottom of the stairs, where I give in and let him come play with the train he is so excited about.
Different night, Elijah comes into my room (this time I am in bed with the light off), walks up to me and tells me he wants to sleep in my bed. I tell him no it would be better to sleep in his own bed. He's silent for a minute or two, then walks around to Tim's side, pulls himself into bed, pulls the covers up over him, turns on his side (away from me) and proceeds to fall asleep.
What a sweet boy I have!!!!!
Oh my! What a sweet boy. I love all his "stories".