Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gus Right Now

Gussy, Gussy, Gussy, what to say about my youngest? Well, he is still quite hefty but is losing grounds on height according to our recent doctors appointment. He speaks very little but makes lots of noise. He is a tonal talker. He mimics the tones and so therefor, speaks many words, according to his doting grandmas!!

Our recent difficulty with Gus is that he has decided that going to bed is NOT what he wants to do, at any time of night!! He cries and is angry if we lay him down. He vomits when he starts crying. I used to think it was just if he had a runny nose, then crying would cause problems and he would upchuck. The doctor says that it sounds like a learned trait! What?! How does one LEARN to vomit when he doesn't want to go to bed? So, it was suggested that when we lay him down we say very sternly, "You go to bed, you don't throw up!" It is very strange to get mad in tone when your child pukes because, normally, puking is a result of being sick and not being able to help it. Anywho, that is where we are with him!!

Gus absolutely LOVES his big brother, except when he doesn't. HaHa! He loves doing EVERYTHING that Elijah does, sometimes to Elijah's dismay! He loves anything he can bang on or that makes noise. He also loves being near people and HATES being alone (maybe that's the sleep issue, huh?). He is a very lovable boy and enjoys cuddles and hugs. He also enjoys getting the Wii remote and "playing" Wii! He is so fun to watch. What a blessing!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you give him milk at night when he goes to bed? My nephew had trouble with throwing up when he was about Gussy's age. Turned out he had a milk allergy. They switched to soy and he stopped throwing up.
