Sunday, September 6, 2009

Elijah Finally Over It

So it's been 4 1/2 months since my Grandma Doris passed away, 3 1/2 months since Tim's uncle passed, 2 1/2 since Aaron's dad passed and Grandpa Jerry's dad passed. Those were 3 months of quite a few funerals for an adult let alone a 2 1/2-3 year old. Elijah dealt with these deaths by asking lots of questions and, later we figured out, by clinging to Mommy and Daddy. Prior to April, Elijah would spend the night at Vee's, Aunt Nini's, and Grammy's on a regular basis. He always enjoyed going and would often ask to stay longer. Following Grandma Doris's death, though, he stopped. He stopped wanting to even stay the afternoon with people for fear, I guess, of us not picking him up.

We, Tim and I, didn't catch onto this until July, when we put the pieces of the puzzle together. Death is tough for all of us, but especially to little ones. When I figured this out, I felt horrible that my little Elijah would have a fear of losing either Tim or I. He would ask questions about death, and we would answer that we would go to Heaven because we believe that Jesus came to this earth to die for our sins and rose again. That He is God!! At one time, Elijah kept asking if I would go to Heaven, and I said yes, and he started crying because he didn't want me to leave him and go to Heaven yet. As I write this, tears come to my eyes again.

What we have decided. No more DEATH. Okay, more realistically, no more funerals for the little guy. And . . . fortunately, we haven't had to go to any, praise God!!

So, finally, on Friday, Grammy planned a party for Elijah, Mason, and Belah, to spend the night, watch a movie, and eat popcorn. Elijah talked about it for days and . . . HE SPENT THE NIGHT and had a blast. So much so, that he cried because he had to come home. Thank our Lord, that Elijah's grieving time is over. Yes, he still prays for God to heal Grandma Doris's nose, but he doesn't seem scared anymore. A couple of weeks ago he started going to Vee's after church again AND letting them drive him there.

Being a parent, you learn so much. Thinking you are answering questions well and in child's terms, then finding out you're not. It's a great learning process. I am so glad that I have a wonderful husband to whom I receive support from as well as loving family. Most of all, though, I am so thankful for our Lord and Savior. Just think of how life would be without Him?

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