Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gus's Long Overdue Update

Can you tell that school is back in session? Sorry for the long delay in letting you know about my wonderful little family.

So, Gus celebrated his 1st birthday. He enjoyed opening his presents. Okay, he maybe got tired of them half way through and so Daddy had to open the rest!! I will say, though, that he ADORED the cake. Mmmmm, so much yumminess. It was everywhere and the sounds of pleasure coming from his mouth made it perfect!!

Gus also decided he didn't want to crawl anymore about 2 weeks before his birthday. He just started walking towards items he wanted until finally, crawling was a thing of the past. Now he REFUSES to crawl.

Gus is also quite the outdoorsy type. Anytime the door is open, he thinks he should be outside. He lets us know this by screaming at the top of his lungs and crying until someone lets him out. Grandpa Kenny is his favorite because he gets to spend hours upon hours outside, Grandpa Kenny following him around like a puppy dog.

His cuteness quota: 1. Gus's singsongy pleasant noise that comes out throughout the day. 2. Gus digging like a dog in the sand, dirt, rocks; flinging it everywhere.

Our little Gus is getting a mind of his own and with his little curls, is just about the cutest little guy around!!!

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